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I ranked every country's flag

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The Tier List #

During the video, I complete this "Flags of the world" tier list that contained 197 country flags. I added Greenland's flag to it just for fun, so mine has 198 flags.

If you want to see the end result, you can click here to view my finished tier list or click on the thumbnail below.

Stats #

My finished tier list of 198 country flags. Click to see the full resolution.

My finished tier list

Transcript Start #

Introduction #

These are the flags of the world. Specifically, the flags of the countries of the world. And even more specifically, the flags of 197 countries including one extra, so 198, for Greenland right here. I added this manually.

So, one by one, we are going to be going through these in alphabetic order, I think. And I'm going to be making decisions. Each decision will be made by me and me alone. And I might not like a flag for any given reason, just as I might like a flag for any given reason. So don't get sad. I don't want to make you sad, or angry. It's all right if you get happy though, you can be happy.

Note: I ranked the flags based only on their aesthetics, or appearance. I did not consider the histories of the countries associated with the flags.

Let's get started. I have a link of this in the description, so you can do it yourself, if you'd like.

Note: Here is a link to the tier list maker, if you'd like to make your own:

1. Afghanistan - C tier #

The flag of Afghanistan
But, we'll start with Afghanistan, I believe this country is. I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan. Something about it just doesn't appeal to me. So I'll put this in C, for now. The colors are okay, not great. I'd say the colors are a B. I can't really see what's going on here, it's just kind of- it's hard to tell what the crest is, it's just hard to see.

2. Albania - B tier #

The flag of Albania
Now Albania, I would say is one step ahead of that. Albania has got some flare, something unique about it. I don't really like red. I don't think a flag should just be red. Red and black is, I don't know- and red and black are kind of like very bold colors, especially together. But I think the symbology of this, like I don't know if it's a mythical creature with two heads. It's some type of bird, I think. I don't know, but the symbol brings it up from maybe F to B.

3. Algeria - C tier #

The flag of Algeria
All right. Next up is Algeria, I believe. This is a very simple flag. I don't mind the flags with moons and stars, that's fine. The colors are okay. I like the white, I like the green, I don't know if the red really goes with it. I think, for me personally, it just doesn't pop out I would say it's in C.

4. Andorra - B tier #

The flag of Andorra
Now, this is Andorra. It reminds me of another flag. I don't know if it's Romania or if it's Chad, could be both. But it has this crest and I can't really tell what's going on in there. But, you know, it's got something special about it. I see like a diamond with arms, you know that's probably not what it is. But it's got some animals and these weird stripes, I don't know what's going on with the stripes. But you'll be in B, there's something about you,there's something about you.

5. Angola - F tier #

The flag of Angola
All right, this is very bold. Who are you? You're Angola. I'm sorry Angola, I- it's too bold for my taste. It's a little violent for my taste. I don't know what's going on, is this like a wheel? Is this a backwards C? It's like part of the treads of a tire. I don't know. And it's got a star, that's true. But it's also got a knife, this is F, too violent. It's also got the red and black, I don't like that.

6. Antigua and Barbuda - A tier #

The flag of Antigua And Barbuda
So this one, who are you? Maybe Antigua and Barbuda? Now, you have red and black as well, that's okay. Because you also have white, blue, and yellow. Great colors to mix in there, a great contrast. I'm a fan of this flag. You're going to be our first in A tier and you should be proud of that. That's a big achievement.

7. Argentina - S tier #

The flag of Argentina
All right, I think this is Argentina. Argentina. So these are great colors, as I just said. I love yellow, I love white, I love blue. This is a great blue. Now I might surprise some people here but this sun is very good, it's a very good sun. That face it's making? Big fan. Let's put you in S tier. You're our first S tier Argentina, a job well done.

8. Armenia - F tier #

The flag of Armenia
Now, who are you? All right, this is Armenia. I don't really like this yellow. It's a little, I don't know. I don't really like dark yellow that much. I'm not really a fan of this, it's kind of boring. You're going in F tier, I'm sorry.

9. Australia - B tier #

The flag of Australia
Okay, this has to be Australia. Um I think it's like cropped a little bit, that's all right. We get the gist, you know? I think this is okay. Now a lot of flags will have this like British symbol, right? The cross with the X behind it. And I'm not going to take many points off for that, maybe some. But look at these stars, lovely stars. Each one has seven points, pretty nice. Well, no actually! No, one has five points! They're mixing it up, that gains favor. I'll say B, that's not bad.

10. Austria - B tier #

The flag of Austria
Now, this red is better than the other red because it also has white, and no black. You're in B, and your name is Austria. Good job.

11. Azerbaijan - S tier #

The flag of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan, you're a very good flag. There's something about this that just really appeals to me. Some of it is the colors some of it is the Moon. It's just really, it's S tier, it's definitely S tier.

12. Bahamas - A tier #

The flag of Bahamas
These colors, right here. Who are you? Barbados? No, you're uh- this is Bahamas. The colors are incredible. I'm going to have to say you're in A tier because I don't know, it's a little simple. Not that that's a bad thing. I just don't know, why are we pointing to the right? Why not to the left, you know?

13. Bahrain - F tier #

The flag of Bahrain
So, next up is Bahrain. This flag reminds me of those really frustrating things you put on your fingers? Or you put like one finger in one side and the other finger in the other side, and when you go in together with both fingers and then pull, it doesn't allow you to pull your fingers out. I don't know what those are called, but that's what that reminds me of and that's a bad thing. It's a bad thing, Bahrain. I have to throw you in F just for that, otherwise you're a pretty good flag. But those aren't good memories for me.

14. Bangladesh - B tier #

The flag of Bangladesh
All right, Bangladesh. Bangladesh, you're like an olive in my brain. I always picture an olive when I see your flag and I don't like olives. Otherwise, these colors are very good. It's a red, but it's not an in-your-face bold red. It's a lighter red and the green is top-notch. But I don't like olives, so you're going in C tier. Well okay, I'll put you in B tier. I'll be nice, okay.

15. Barbados - B tier #

The flag of Barbados
No, this might be Barbados, because it's got the trident. Tridents are very nice, I don't know why. But I sort of like Atlantis. Um I think we should rank this- the colors are okay, they're not amazing. Symbology, pretty good. You've got the trident. I think you're at the top of B tier, I hate to say. I was thinking A tier. But I think B tier for you is good. You do start with a B. You do start with a B, Barbados, okay?

16. Belarus - A tier #

The flag of Belarus
So I think we're definitely missing part of this flag, right here. I think this is Belarus. Okay, so I think the problem is that it's a different dimension than the other flags. It's longer. But let's open it in a new tab so we can see it. All right, so this is Belarus. I think this is a pretty good flag, and I think the part that we couldn't see adds a lot to it. I really like these patterns, the diamonds. It just makes me feel like it's a blanket and I could wrap it around me and be very warm. It does have a Christmas vibe but that's, that's okay. We don't mind it, we don't mind it. So Belarus, I'm going to have to put you in A tier because you're kind of cozy.

17. Belgium - F tier #

The flag of Belgium
All right, I think this is Belgium. Belgium, I don't really like your flag. I'm sorry. It's really the colors, the colors don't go together. I'm going to have to say you're in F tier, sorry about that.

18. Belize - B tier #

The flag of Belize
All right, next up we have Belize. I don't know what's going on here. You have two people with- are they bats? Sticks? There's a tree, I kind of like the tree. And some kind of motto? You know, I think this is okay. I think B for Belize is pretty good. Pretty good spot for you.

19. Benin - C tier #

The flag of Benin
Next up we have Benin, in Africa. I don't really know, this isn't that great. There's not really much going on and the colors are- they're not great, they're not terrible, but we'll go C.

20. Bhutan - S tier #

The flag of Bhutan
Bhutan, I love your flag. Very unique colors - yellow-ish orange and the orange-ish red. And an incredible dragon that looks like it has wheels on its feet? An incredible experience looking at this. So we're going to put you in S tier. Right, way up there, okay.

21. Bolivia - C tier #

The flag of Bolivia
All right, next up. What is this? I think this is supposed to be Bolivia, but it's missing something. Okay, so I added this flag of Bolivia and I think it's the State flag and a War flag and this is the Civil flag right here. So maybe we'll use the Civil flag since that's what they had. I'll just- I don't know what to do with you now, let's just throw you down here, okay. All right, so this flag. Not as good as the one with the bird on it um and everything else. I honestly, I think you're just next to you, next to Benin.

22. Bosnia and Herzegovina - B tier #

The flag of Bosnia And Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina. I do like your flag. I- honestly the colors are pretty good, I think you're definitely a B. There you go.

23. Botswana - A tier #

The flag of Botswana
All right, Botswana. These colors are very good. You're going into A tier, there you go.

24. Brazil - S tier #

The flag of Brazil
Brazil. I like Brazil's flag. It's got a great diamond here. It's sort of three-dimensional, in a way. It like pops out at you. Is that a globe? I never know if it's actually a globe or they're going for something else, like a hole. But if it's a globe and these are like stars reflecting off the globe, that's incredible. It probably isn't that, but you know. We're going S tier, definitely.

25. Brunei - F tier #

The flag of Brunei
Next up is Brunei. Let's put you somewhere. I'm not a huge fan. It's a little too much with the hands, the like disembodied hands. I don't know, I'm just not sure. I guess A for effort, but also F for effort. You know, sometimes you just try too hard.

26. Bulgaria - B tier #

The flag of Bulgaria
Next up, Bulgaria. Now normally I would put something like this into C, but there's like a- I don't know. These are like a little more saturated. I like what's going on here. I like the white with the green and the red. It's just kind of nice.

27. Burkina Faso - C tier #

The flag of Burkina Faso
Next up, we have Burkina Faso. I think this is just a classic C, I'll have to say.

28. Burundi - B tier #

The flag of Burundi
All right, Burundi. You have three stars and an interesting look, very unique. I definitely think you deserve something for that. I think we'll put you in B tier, I think so.

29. Cambodia - B tier #

The flag of Cambodia
Cambodia. I mean, you're kind of nice. Red, white, and blue? You know what, I don't mind it. But it's nothing extraordinary, you know, it's not extraordinary. But it's good. I think that's a good B, a good B for sure.

30. Cameroon - C tier #

The flag of Cameroon
All right, next up is Cameroon. All I'll say for Cameroon is it's no Senegal it's no Senegal. C for Cameroon is very fair, I think.

31. Canada - A tier #

The flag of Canada
Now, Canada. Canada, you've got a nice leaf. I'm a big fan of leaves. I don't really like the red but it's very bright and that's better than this red right here. So I'll put you in A, a good A for Canada. A (eh), that's a good spot!

32. Cape Verde - C tier #

The flag of Cape Verde
What is this? Oh, this is a- this is Cape Verde. Um, you got a bunch of stars. I don't know, you're fine. You're fine. You're a C, yes.

33. Central African Republic - B tier #

The flag of Central African Republic
All right, now this one has a little bit of pizzazz because like why is the line going down the middle? And that's unexpected, that's what gets my blood going. So we are going to push you in B because otherwise you weren't going very far. But that line, it's nice, it's a good line.

34. Chad - F tier #

The flag of Chad
Okay, so I think this is Chad. We're going to be a little hard on Chad, I'm sorry. And I'm not a fan of this flag, it's just not great. You might realize that it is these colors. You're going to go next to this one. I will say you're better than this one just because you're a little brighter, there you go.

35. Chile - C tier #

The flag of Chile
Next up is Chile. You're okay. I think you're just as good as Cabo Verde, nothing special. You remind me of Texas.

36. China - C tier #

The flag of China
All right, China. China, you're fine. C for China. I think it's fine, it's not- yeah you're definitely above Angola, you're in a good spot.

37. Colombia - F tier #

The flag of Colombia
Now I think this is Colombia. I'm sorry Colombia, you're just going to go right there. We know why, we know why.

38. Comoros - A tier #

The flag of Comoros
Cameroon, no no this isn't Cameroon, um you're Comoros. Comoros, I like your flag because it reminds me of the beach. When I think of this I think of a banana, I don't know why. It looks like a banana. I know it's the Moon but it's a banana, come on. Let's put you in a good spot, Comoros. You're not B. I think you're a good A, a very good A.

39. Democratic Republic of the Congo - B tier,
40. Republic of the Congo - C tier #

The flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo The flag of Republic of the Congo
So next up we have Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Congo, or just Republic of the Congo, I guess. So DRC, we'll put- I think it is a B for me. And then, I like the diagonals, Republic of the Congo, but the colors just aren't there. I think you're just right here, right there. That looks good. This diagonal is pretty good.

41. Costa Rica - C tier #

The flag of Costa Rica
All right, I think this is Costa Rica. I think it's missing like a crest or something, but you know I don't think that would change it too much. Let's put you- there's nothing that special about this flag, so I'll just put you in C tier.

42. Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - B tier #

The flag of Ivory Coast
Now, the Ivory Coast. This orange is kind of bold, you don't see that very often. So I'm going to have to put you in B tier. It's kind of nice, there you go.

43. Croatia - C tier #

The flag of Croatia
All right next up is Croatia and I think this has a goat and, I don't know, they're doing a lot up here. I can't really tell. And you got this checkered flag, um I don't know what to do with you. I'm turned off by the Checkers, I don't really like Checkers that much. I think you have to go in C tier, but at least you have- I think it's a goat, which you know it's kind of nice.

44. Cuba - C tier #

The flag of Cuba
Next up is Cuba. Cuba, you're fine. You're just nothing special, there you go.

45. Cyprus - B tier #

The flag of Cyprus
Cyprus. Cyprus, you're a little egotistical. You enjoy your border shape a little too much. It's not a bad shape but like you're just like presenting it to us. I don't know, not sure why. Regardless, you're kind of a nice flag. So I think you have to go for B, definitely a B. There you go.

46. Czechia - C tier #

The flag of Czechia
All right, Czechia. I think you just go straight to C, I'm sorry.

47. Denmark - C tier #

The flag of Denmark
All right, we're in the D's. We have Denmark. Um, these like cross flags, I don't know what you call them. They're fine. I think you're, you're a C. There you go.

48. Djibouti - C tier #

The flag of Djibouti
Djibouti. You're okay. There's something about you that puts me off a little bit. I do like your colors. I think it's the red star. The red star doesn't go with the other colors, even though I love the other colors. So you'll go at the top of C tier, I hate to say. I really had high hopes for you.

Note: Looking at it again, I would definitely go B tier for Djibouti.

49. Dominica - S tier #

The flag of Dominica
Now we're talking, now we're talking. We got Dominica in here. Now the colors, you know, aren't the best. But look at this bird, this is one of the best birds. And it's purple, that makes up for the other colors. It's like purple with green wings, what's going on there? That's great. It's just really great and it's got the stars around it. It's all about the bird, I love that bird. and you know exactly where we're going with this. We're going S tier, Dominica. Superstar.

50. Dominican Republic - C tier #

The flag of Dominican Republic
Next up, we have Dominican Republic. Nothing special. I'm sorry. You got a nice crest here, but I think you're just a C. There you go.

Extra: Bolivia's war flag - C tier #

The war flag of Bolivia
Okay, I think this is the Bolivia flag again but it's the war flag. Okay, but we'll skip that one. Well, I mean I might as well put it somewhere. Um, I don't think it really changes Bolivia's position so we'll put next to Bolivia, both Bolivias. I think, yeah.

51. East Timor - F tier #

The flag of East Timor
All right, I think this is Timor-Leste. But I think they're saying it's East Timor, that might be what it is now. So, East Timor, we'll put you honestly not very high. I think you might be in F tier, I'm sorry. It's the colors.

52. Ecuador - F tier #

The flag of Ecuador
All right, next up we have Ecuador. Um so Ecuador, you're basically Colombia but with an eagle and some other stuff. That does make you better, but you're still, I think- I'm sorry you're going F tier. I just- I'm not digging those colors.

53. Egypt - B tier #

The flag of Egypt
Egypt. This is an incredible symbol in the middle here. I love the contrast between red and then black and then white in the middle? Like I love the middle. I hate everything else. But something about the symbol really makes me go to B. It's very good, very good.

54. El Salvador - B tier #

The flag of El Salvador
Next up is El Salvador. I always see the Illuminati when I look at this and I'm not sure how that makes me feel. Um it- well it's telling me to go to S tier but I'm fighting it. I'm going to C, well actually it's definitely a B. The colors are good, for sure. It's kind of nice.

55. Equatorial Guinea - B tier #

The flag of Guinea
Now you're a tree, but not Eritrea. It's funny that y'all are next to each other. This is Equatorial Guinea. I think this is a good flag. I think it's definitely a B tier, not an A tier, but you're pretty good.

56. Eritrea - S tier #

The flag of Eritrea
Now, Eritrea. You're going to the S tier. It might take a second, but we're going to get there. There we are. We got another S tier, number six.

57. Estonia - A tier #

The flag of Estonia
Okay, so this one might be controversial. Estonia. Estonia, I think you deserve A tier. I was going to say S tier, but it's hard to put something without any any shapes besides the stripes- you're all rectangles, but the colors are so good. You're kind of like Botswana.

58. Eswatini - B tier #

The flag of Eswatini
Eswatini. A unique flag, for sure. And I think its uniqueness will bring it from C tier to B tier. I think that makes sense. It's got something going on there, I'm not really sure.

59. Ethiopia - C tier #

The flag of Ethiopia
All right, I think this is Ethiopia. Now, the star is very creative. The colors, I really don't like, I really don't like. I'm going to have to put you in C tier, I'm sorry.

60. Fiji - A tier #

The flag of Fiji
All right, this is Fiji. Fiji, you got the lion and you got the dove. I love the color of the background. um I think you have to go to A tier. The lion freaks me out a little bit, but we'll put you up here. I just like your colors.

61. Finland - B tier #

The flag of Finland
All right, next up is Finland. You got good colors, that's all I'm going to say. And you're going to go to B tier just for it. All right, nothing special. Just pretty average.

62. France - C tier #

The flag of France
Hmm, okay, France. France, you're just kind of boring. Get out of here.

63. Gabon - A tier #

The flag of Gabon
Gabon. Now these are some colors. Now we're talking. Let's put you in A tier just for those colors, mhm.

64. The Gambia - C tier #

The flag of Gambia
These don't really go together. It's giving Tommy Hilfiger vibes, I don't know. But this just has to go into- I won't go F tier, but C tier.

65. Georgia - F tier #

The flag of Georgia
Georgia, I think you're trying to do too much. The cross is this kind of plus symbol, I don't know what it's supposed to symbolize. But there are too many of them. It- I don't know, it's not for me. I hate to give you F tier for that, but I'm sorry. I just don't like it, not a fan.

66. Germany - F tier #

The flag of Germany
Germany, also I'm sorry, you're basically just Belgium but 90°. Um well and some- not exactly, the colors aren't, yeah.

67. Ghana - C tier #

The flag of Ghana
Okay but, we got Ghana here. Ghana I'm sorry, you're just, you're not great. There you go.

68. Greece - A tier #

The flag of Greece
Now this is kind of nice. You got some pattern mix up here. We're going- you think we're going to go horizontal all the way through and then they throw in this vertical line. I got to hand it to you Greece, that- you threw me for a loop. You gotta go A tier just for that. And white and blue, good colors.

69. Greenland - A tier #

The flag of Greenland
Greenland, the "country" I added to the list just because I liked your flag. I'm not going to put you S tier, Greenland, but you're sort of- the mix-up of expectations, just like Greece, makes me want to put you in A tier, right next to Greece. Well, it wraps around, but you can imagine them right next to each other, okay.

70. Grenada - B tier #

The flag of Grenada
Now we have Grenada. Colors, not good. Star, that's fine. The green is okay. What brings this from C tier to B tier for me is this leaf. I gotta say it's a really good addition. It elevates the flag.

71. Guatemala - S tier #

The flag of Guatemala
All right, so we got this bird reading a scroll, that's pretty impressive. I- these colors are great, um who is this? This is Guatemala. Guatemala, I didn't, I didn't know your game. Okay, this is- I mean this bird is incredible. I have to put you in S tier. I- honestly this is the most unexpected moment of my entire day. I didn't know Guatemala had such a great flag.

72. Guinea - C tier,
73. Guinea-Bissau - C tier #

The flag of Guinea The flag of Guinea-Bissau
Okay, so this is Guinea and this is Guinea-Bissau. Guinea, I'm sorry, you're just you're going with these. And Guinea-Bissau, same. It's the colors.

Aside: #

I think this is sort of a color tier list, a color combination tier list with a mix of symbols. It's kind of fun!

74. Guyana - C tier #

The flag of Guyana
Next up is Guyana. You got something going there, but again you're- why are you pointing to the right? You could point to the left, why did you choose to point to the right? I'm sorry, you're just- you're going high C tier because you're a little creative.

75. Haiti - B tier #

The flag of Haiti
Next up is Haiti. I sort of like it because you think it's just going to be red and blue and then they throw this rectangle in the middle with who knows what's going on there. And I think that elevates you to B as well. You're kind of special, it's kind of nice.

76. Honduras - A tier #

The flag of Honduras
Honduras, you've just got good colors. That's all I'm going to say about you, good colors. I think the layout of the stars could- well actually, no I like the layout because it sort of looks like an H. It's like, that's an H. So we'll allow it, just for that.

77. Hungary - C tier #

The flag of Hungary
Next up is Hungary, something I currently am. I will say, the colors are okay. I think you deserve high C. Well, yeah. Yeah. Hi-C, that's a drink! Oh but I'm not thirsty, I'm hungry. Ha! All right.

78. Iceland - C tier #

The flag of Iceland
Next up is Iceland. Iceland, you're kind of like Norway. Um, I say wherever I put Norway, I put Iceland. Which might have been- oh I haven't ranked Norway yet, have I? I think this is good, C tier for Iceland. It's fine.

79. India - A tier #

The flag of India
I like this one. I think this is India and it's all about this flower in the middle, it speaks to me. There we go, it's definitely an A. At the very least, an A. And look at this orange! That's a really nice orange. I like it more than this orange, it's just slightly different.

80. Indonesia - C tier #

The flag of Indonesia
Okay, now I have Indonesia. I don't know. I think you just put you in C just because there's nothing special going on there.

81. Iran - B tier #

The flag of Iran
Iran. I don't- I never really knew what this symbol was and I still don't. But I like this pattern here. The (pattern) right here, the lines. I think you're going to be a B tier. You've got nice patterns.

82. Iraq - F tier #

The flag of Iraq
All right, Iraq. I'm sorry, you're going into F tier and it's the colors. And I don't know what this says, it might just say "Iraq".

83. Ireland - B tier #

The flag of Ireland
Ireland, you got good colors. You got Ivory Coast colors, which are very good. Let's see if we can find, yeah Ivory Coast, we'll just put you right there. Oooh, look at that symmetry! Reflection! Did not plan that.

84. Israel - B tier #

The flag of Israel
Israel, you got a nice star, you got nice lines. Israel's flag, I think, is just- I don't know I would say it's probably a B tier. Yeah.

85. Italy - C tier #

The flag of Italy
Okay, Italy. Nothing too special here. I think you're just a nice upper C tier. Yeah, that seems okay.

86. Jamaica - C tier #

The flag of Jamaica
Jamaica. I don't know, I don't know. I think you're just a C tier. The green, I like. I don't know, the black I just- the black and yellow, I don't know. Not a black and yellow fan.

87. Japan - B tier #

The flag of Japan
Japan, very simple. Very simple. But not bad. I like circles. You're in B tier because you're a circle.

88. Jordan - F tier #

The flag of Jordan
All right, next up we have Jordan. Not really a big fan of this flag, unfortunately. I'm going to have to put you- I'm sorry, I have to put you in F tier. I just, I don't like these colors.

89. Kazakhstan - S tier #

The flag of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, now, you're upper S tier. This is incredible. That is a great spot for you, all right.

90. Kenya - C tier #

The flag of Kenya
Next up is Kenya. I don't like the colors. I don't know what the symbol is, but I kind of like the symbol. So you'll go to C tier.

91. Kiribati - S tier #

The flag of Kiribati
This one's really nice. The symbology with the red sky, there's something about that. This- the seagull. Incredible sun. This is Kiribati's flag and Kiribati, welcome- where'd you go? Welcome to S tier.

92. Kosovo - B tier #

The flag of Kosovo
All right, I think this is Kosovo. Kosovo, you're sort of a rock-star, but your flag? I would say it's a classic B. Um I, you know, I think you're- you got potential.

93. Kuwait - F tier #

The flag of Kuwait
All right, next up is Kuwait. I'm sorry, these colors just aren't working. There you go.

94. Kyrgyzstan - A tier #

The flag of Kyrgyzstan
Okay, this is one of the best suns I've ever seen and I'm going to- I'm going to be a little, you know. I'm not going to go S tier because the colors aren't quite there. But the, the shape is- it's very nice. But definitely A tier, Kyrgyzstan, yeah. Very good.

95. Laos - B tier #

The flag of Laos
Now I don't think I've done many red, white, and blue countries above like C or B tier, have I? This is Laos and I think Laos definitely deserves high- well I guess B tier is where I've put these others. Yeah, that seems about right for me, B tier.

96. Latvia - C tier #

The flag of Latvia
Latvia. Latvia, you're just a little boring, but I do like this saturated red so I'll put you and C instead of F. Hmm, I did put- what, Denmark? Yeah, you'll go above Denmark, I would say.

97. Lebanon - B tier #

The flag of Lebanon
All right, you're a tree. You're Lebanon. Um, I like your tree. It's- I don't know, it's very blot- blotty? Is that a word? I don't know, I kind of like it. I think you're a good B, there you go.

98. Lesotho - A tier #

The flag of Lesotho
This is Lesotho and it's a bell. Um, I like this bell. It's a good bell. You're going into A tier, there you go.

99. Liberia - C tier #

The flag of Liberia
Next up, we have Liberia. Um, I don't know. It's fine, not great. I'll go C. Nothing against it, it's just a lot of stripes. I have to say. Too many stripes. It's like an optical illusion, I can't really tell what's going on. Okay.

100. Libya - C tier #

The flag of Libya
Libya. You got a nice moon and star, but the colors aren't speaking to me that much. There you go. You are probably upper C, though.

101. Liechtenstein - C tier #

The flag of Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein. You're tiny, but you got a crown. Um, I think you- you're probably going to be, hmm, you're definitely just a C, sorry.

102. Lithuania - C tier #

The flag of Lithuania
All right, Lithuania. you're okay. You're probably just a C, sorry.

103. Luxembourg - B tier #

The flag of Luxembourg
Okay, Luxembourg. You've got a little special blue there. You're definitely going to B just because of that blue. Big fan of that. There you go.

104. Madagascar - C tier #

The flag of Madagascar
Next up, we have Madagascar. I think you're just a classic upper C, Madagascar. There you go.

105. Malawi - B tier #

The flag of Malawi
Namibia, I think. Wait no, Malawi. This is Malawi. An incredible sun, incredible sun. It's like a sunrise or sunset, with a black background. It really makes you think. I think you're definitely a B tier. And you stand out a little bit. Even like, Albania. The colors around you do not fit yourself, but you're a superstar. Well not a superstar, you're a star.

106. Malaysia - C tier #

The flag of Malaysia
All right, Malaysia. So I'm realizing now that Malaysia has yellow in its flag. And that's why, that's why I didn't count when I was using it in GeoGrid for red, white, and blue, okay. But that's not going to do much for you Malaysia, you're just going next to Liberia.

107. Maldives - B tier #

The flag of Maldives
All right, we got moon here. Um, this is the Maldives. And, to be honest, this is a banana. I don't know, some countries moons just look more like bananas. Like I don't even see a banana here, but I see a banana here. You know, it's just how it is. I kind of like bananas. I think you're definitely in B tier. There you go.

108. Mali - C tier #

The flag of Mali
Whoa, what's going on with this green? It's very very very bright, very vibrant. Going to have to give you an upper C for that. This is Mali's flag, Mali in Africa.

109. Malta - C tier #

The flag of Malta
Next up, we got Malta. Malta, you're simple but you're not bad. I think you're going into the C.

110. Marshall Islands - A tier #

The flag of Marshall Islands
Now, Marshall Islands. I love what you're doing with your sun and these lines. If this was like a lighter blue, you would be an S tier. But I think you're definitely an A tier. There you go.

111. Mauritania - C tier #

The flag of Mauritania
All right, this is Mauritania. Um this is a sort of a banana, but it's too- it's not quite, it's not quite a banana. I think you're definitely just a C tier. You gotta have- you're too, you're too full.

112. Mauritius - B tier #

The flag of Mauritius
Now this is throwing a wrench into things. Normally, you only have three colors but this is a fourth color. And the blue is, I don't know, like what's going on here? It's okay I think you can maybe make a case for B, um and this is Mauritius. Yeah, I think it's definitely a B. There's something about it, makes you stand out.

113. Mexico - B tier #

The flag of Mexico
Now, Mexico. Is this- is this an eagle eating like a worm or a snake? It's kind of crazy. I think that puts you in B tier as well, pretty cool.

114. Micronesia - A tier #

The flag of Micronesia
Now, Micronesia. You got good colors and you got good rotations of your stars. I think you could definitely be A tier material, pretty good.

115. Moldova - C tier #

The flag of Moldova
All right, where are we? This is um, Moldova. Is this another eagle, with like a bull? Or is this- it's sort of what it looks like. Um, it's not going to bring it up out of C tier though. There you go. I mean, it did pull it out of F tier, which is good.

116. Monaco - C tier #

The flag of Monaco
All right, Monaco. I think wherever I put Indonesia, I'm going to put you. There you go.

117. Mongolia - B tier #

The flag of Mongolia
Mongolia. You got a nice, uh castle. Whatever this is, I'm a fan of that. I think you deserve B tier.

118. Montenegro - B tier #

The flag of Montenegro
All right, you're reminding of me of Albania. Um but this is Montenegro, which makes sense because y'all are next to each other. I think it's- it makes sense to put you in B tier, as well. Um, the colors aren't incredible, but Albania's colors aren't incredible either, so. But I prefer the silhouette, I think.

119. Morocco - C tier #

The flag of Morocco
All right, Morocco. I don't really like your colors, but I like your star. Um so you're not going F tier, but I'll put you in C tier.

120. Mozambique - F tier #

The flag of Mozambique
All right, Mozambique. The yellow and the green, those are pretty nice. And there's a book, with weapons? Are those weapons? Or no, that's like a hoe and then like a- that's definitely a gun. Um, it's a little violent. Um I'm sorry, it's a little too violent for me to put above F tier. There you go, sorry.

121. Myanmar - B tier #

The flag of Myanmar
Myanmar. Good colors, good colors like that and a very bold large star. That's B tier.

122. Namibia - A tier #

The flag of Namibia
Namibia. I like your star, I like your vibe. I think you will go A tier. You just- you got, you know decent colors. It's definitely A tier. There you go.

123. Nauru - B tier #

The flag of Nauru
This is Nauru? Nauru, okay. Nauru, I like- um, a nice star. I think you're a good B tier, yeah.

124. Nepal - A tier #

The flag of Nepal
Nepal. Okay, now you're a wild card. This isn't the entire, uh, star, or flag, but it's not a rectangle. Um, it goes like more vertically than horizontally. I think I got to put you in A tier just for stepping out of the box a little bit, you know? Like it's not an incredible flag, but the shape is just so much different than all the others. I gotta, I gotta give it something for that.

125. Netherlands - C tier #

The flag of Netherlands
Netherlands. I mean, you're fine. Here you go, C tier.

126. New Zealand #

The flag of New Zealand
All right, New Zealand. Um, honestly, C tier. There's nothing special that's going on there.

127. Nicaragua - B tier #

The flag of Nicaragua
All right, Nicaragua. I mean I think you're probably, I don't know. I think you're probably up to B tier. You got good colors.

128. Niger - B tier #

The flag of Niger
All right, this one's good. Niger. I have to say, you're going to go upper B tier, mhm.

129. Nigeria - A tier #

The flag of Nigeria
All right, Nigeria this might be- sound a little crazy, but I'm going A tier. I just like this green and white together. It goes well together. Um, I don't know. Other countries don't do it this well. It's just a nice green and white.

130. North Korea - C tier #

The flag of North Korea
All right, North Korea. You're fine. I think you're better than a lot of other flags of your, like that are similar to you. So I'll put you up here.

131. North Macedonia - A tier #

The flag of Macedonia
All right, North Macedonia, though. That's an incredible sun. It just pops out at you. When I think about this flag, I think I'm being sucked into it. And that makes me want to put it in A tier, look at that.

132. Norway - C tier #

The flag of Norway
Next up, I think this is Norway. I think it is. You're fine. You're a pretty good flag, you'll go up there near Iceland.

133. Oman - C tier #

The flag of Oman
All right, some of this one's being cut off. Uhh, this is Oman. Um it seems a little violent going on there. I'm going to have to say C tier. I don't really- I can't really see part of the flag. I might move you down to F tier, okay.

134. Pakistan - B tier #

The flag of Pakistan
All right. Next up, we have Pakistan. Oh, that's not Pakistan. Pakistan goes, hmm, I think it's a good B tier for me. Yeah, good B tier.

135. Palau - S tier #

The flag of Palau
Ohhhh mmm, Palau, Palau. You are my favorite. It's something so simple, but it does it so well. It's just so nice. Such a lovely moon, even though you're yellow. I don't know why it's a moon, but they said it was, so it is.

136. Palestine - F tier #

The flag of Palestine
Now, um Palestine. I'm sorry, but your flag's basically the same as like Jordan's. It's got to go, got to go there. I don't really like those colors.

137. Panama - B tier #

The flag of Panama
All right, what do we got here? Panama. Panama is okay. It mixes up things a little bit. Um I think you can definitely put it in B tier just because of the mix-up. You know it's red, white, and blue, but there's something else to consider.

138. Papua New Guinea - B tier #

The flag of Papua New Guinea
All right, Papua New Guinea. I don't like the colors but there's a mystery surrounding this creature / natural phenomenon. Um, maybe supernatural, you never know. I don't know what it is, I thought it was a stingray, it might be a bird. I don't know what you are, so I would be remiss if I didn't put you at least in B tier.

139. Paraguay - C tier #

The flag of Paraguay
Next up, we have Paraguay. Paraguay, you're very simple. Very simple. I think you just deserve a nice, oh! A nice, uh, C tier. There you go.

140. Peru - C tier #

The flag of Peru
All right, Peru. Once again, you know, you're just- nothing too special going on there.

141. Philippines - B tier #

The flag of Philippines
Philippines. I like your vibe of this side of your flag. Um, it's a nice sun. Pretty good. I'll put you in B tier. There you go.

Aside: #

(Distracted) All right, I feel like I've seen these. Oh that's F tier, okay.

142. Poland - C tier #

The flag of Poland
All right, Poland. Honestly, not much different than these.

143. Portugal - B tier #

The flag of Portugal
Portugal. You know there's something special about this. I think you can definitely make a case for B tier for Portugal, yeah.

144. Qatar - F tier #

The flag of Qatar
Oh no, not again. Qatar, get get get there, get get out, get out of my face. Sorry.

145. Romania - F tier #

The flag of Romania
All right, um Romania. You're just Chad but different. Not really, not really that much different.

146. Russia - C tier #

The flag of Russia
All right, Russia. Honestly, nothing special going on there.

147. Rwanda - A tier #

The flag of Rwanda
Rwanda. Pretty nice flag. I think you're definitely in A tier. I would have put you in S tier, but I'm not digging the bottom half of the flag. I- maybe if it was just yellow and blue. I think you're adding a little bit too much with that green. It is a nice green, but it's not mixing perfectly.

148. Saint Kitts and Nevis - C tier #

The flag of Saint Kitts And Nevis
Okay. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Not a big fan. You're going into C tier.

149. Saint Lucia - A tier #

The flag of Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia, big fan. All right, this is a definite A tier for me. Pretty good colors, look at that.

150. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - A tier #

The flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
All right, next up is Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. I'm sorry, but we're going straight to A tier. I'm not really sorry, it's- I don't know why I would be sorry, but I think it's because it takes so long to get there.

151. Samoa - C tier #

The flag of Samoa
Okay, Samoa. You're fine, you're fine. I think you're a little bit better than some of these other red, white, and blues, but I think it just makes sense to go upper C.

152. San Marino - B tier #

The flag of San Marino
San Marino, you got nice colors. I'm putting you in B tier for your colors. I can't really tell what's what going on in your flag, the crest here, but I like B for you.

153. São Tomé and Príncipe - C tier #

The flag of São Tomé and Príncipe
Next up is São Tomé and Príncipe. Um, I have to say C tier. I think, I think that's fair.

154. Saudi Arabia - F tier #

The flag of Saudi Arabia
All right, this is just too violent. Why do we have swords? Saudi Arabia, I'm sorry. Um, I do like your green but I have to stand by my principles of anti-violence, okay. There we go.

155. Senegal - B tier #

The flag of Senegal
Now Senegal, unlike Cameroon that came before you, you have a green star. Now you go up here. You're going into B tier, look at that.

156. Serbia - B tier #

The flag of Serbia
All right, next up is Serbia. It has a multi-headed eagle, I suppose, with a crown. That's pretty unique, um, I think we go to B tier for that. Like how did they come up with this? Yeah.

157. Seychelles - A tier #

The flag of Seychelles
Seychelles. A very nice flag. It reminds me of those things in gym when we were- when I was a kid, that you- everyone took a side of it. It's like a giant blanket you threw up in the air and then everyone ran to the other side or you know just stayed underneath it. And so it would fall down like a parachute and you had to like make it to the other side or you were, um, trapped under it. A little scary, huh? But some people liked being trapped under it, so I don't know, I don't know. But all that being said, I think you're a- oh, don't want to do that. Um, I think you're definitely high A tier. I really, really enjoy, I really enjoy this flag. Yeah.

158. Sierra Leone - B tier #

The flag of Sierra Leone
All right, we're almost finished. Next up, we have Sierra Leone. And Sierra Leone, you've got some very nice colors. So I am going to put you into high B tier for your nice colors. Sorry, I broke up Ireland and Ivory Coast.

159. Singapore - B tier #

The flag of Singapore
All right, next up is Singapore. I think you're high or probably low B, low B. I think that makes sense for Singapore, somewhere in there. I like the banana, it's- it adds a little bit to like Indonesia's flag. You know, it's something, something good going on there.

160. Slovakia - C tier,
161. Slovenia - C tier #

The flag of Slovakia The flag of Slovenia
All right, we have Slovakia and Slovenia. Slovakia, um, I think you're just C tier. Slovenia, I think you're a little bit better. I like the mountains in your crest. Um, you'll go high C, yeah.

162. Solomon Islands - C tier #

The flag of Solomon Islands
Now we have Solomon Islands. Solomon Islands. Very interesting, Solomon. Islands. Three stars? Actually, I think there's five stars but you can't see them all. Let's, let's put you probably high C, I think. Yeah.

163. Somalia - B tier #

The flag of Somalia
Somalia. Very simple. Good colors. Um, I think you have to put Somalia in B tier. Just nice, nice colors.

164. South Africa - B tier #

The flag of South Africa
South Africa, you got an interesting shape. It's like a fork in the road. It's like, uh, these two- what's that poem? "These two roads diverged in a yellow wood which I should not travel by." That's definitely wrong, sorry I don't know. It's been a very long time since I had to memorize that poem, but I like what's going on here in South Africa's flag. So I think we'll put you in high B.

165. South Korea - B tier #

The flag of Korea
South Korea. I think South Korea is probably also in, well, yeah, I think it's also in B tier. I like the Yin and the Yang, the ball. These symbols like radiating from it. I think you deserve B, it's kind of nice. But I think you're high B. Yeah.

166. South Sudan - C tier #

The flag of Sudan
All right, South Sudan. I like you more than regular Sudan, I think. We'll see. Let's put you up here. I think you're definitely in C, unfortunately.

167. Spain - F tier #

The flag of Spain
All right, Spain. I don't know, I just don't like your colors very much. Red and yellow just don't go together, in my opinion. At least not like this. I'm just going to say it, I think this is an F tier flag. That might be controversial, I don't know.

168. Sri Lanka - F tier #

The flag of Sri Lanka
All right, Sri Lanka. Why is this mythical creature holding a sword? This is this is F tier. I love the creature but, but the sword just brings it all the way down, like why am I being attacked by a flag? I don't get it. I don't get it.

169. Sudan - F tier #

The flag of Sudan
All right, next up is Sudan or Sudan (pronounced differently). Um, not as good as, uh, South Sudan. So you're next to these, all right.

170. Suriname - C tier #

The flag of Suriname
Suriname. You're okay, like you're definitely just a C. Okay.

171. Sweden - B tier #

The flag of Sweden
Sweden, you got nice colors. You got, you got something going on and I think you deserve a nice B tier for that. There you go.

172. Switzerland - B tier #

The flag of Switzerland
Switzerland. You're like a square and we only see a rectangular part of, of your square. But you're a square, and I think squares need to stand up for each other. I think you're a B tier.

173. Syria - F tier #

The flag of Syria
All right, next up we have Syria. Syria, um, sorry. There you go.

174. Taiwan - A tier #

The flag of Taiwan
All right, Taiwan. Taiwan, I like your flag. I think, I think you're an A tier flag. You're like Laos, but better in my mind. Um, just, just uh how it goes, just how it goes, a good A tier for you, Taiwan.

175. Tajikistan - C tier #

The flag of Tajikistan
Okay, Tajikistan. I don't think you're- I think you're okay. I'm just intrigued by the symbology here. I don't know, what's going on here? I could say some crude things but I won't. Let's uh, let's move you to- C tier is good for you, I think. Okay.

176. Tanzania - B tier #

The flag of Tanzania
Tanzania. Pretty good colors. I think we deserve a nice, a nice low B tier for you. Um, I think that makes sense for Tanzania. A good flag, it's not, not great.

177. Thailand - C tier #

The flag of Thailand
Next up, we have Thailand. Thailand, you are Laos but worse. Um, sort of how I would say. Um you're kind of like this flag. You remind me a lot, I think you're worse than this flag. So we'll put you down a little more, there you go. All right, there we go.

178. Togo - C tier #

The flag of Togo
Next up is Togo. Togo, you- unfortunately I don't enjoy your flag that much. You're a C tier.

179. Tonga - C tier #

The flag of Tonga
Tonga. You got a little Switzerland in you, Tonga. Um, you're like Georgia mixed with Switzerland. You're like a quarter of Georgia, kind of. And Georgia's doing too much, you're doing just enough. I think you're, you're just very high C tier.

180. Trinidad and Tobago - C tier #

The flag of Trinidad And Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago. Hmm, I think you're just very low C tier. I don't like the colors, but I like the diagonal.

181. Tunisia - C tier,
182. Turkey - C tier #

The flag of Tunisia The flag of Turkey
All right, this is Tunisia. I think Tunisia deserves probably- I mean I like the moon and the star, but I think you're just- you just have to be C tier. There's nothing, nothing else to say. Um, the red and the white. (Moves Turkey to C tier without recognition) There's not much going on. Nothing, nothing too much going on.

183. Turkmenistan - S tier #

The flag of Turkmenistan
All right, now this flag. Right here. I think is Turkmenistan. We haven't had an S tier in a while, but this green is so nice. And look at this pattern here, it's so lovely. I don't know how anyone could put this below S tier. I wouldn't be me. We'll get there. You're, you're, you're up there.

184. Tuvalu - B tier #

The flag of Tuvalu
All right, next up is Tuvalu. Uh, you got some nice colors and I'm going to have to put you in B tier for that. I think Britain's flag right there brings it down a little bit, but you're okay.

185. Uganda - A tier #

The flag of Uganda
Uganda! Look at this bird! This bird's got it going on. This is just like the perfect number of stripes for this bird and these colors. Something is just going on in the right way. Like you might think "Oh, this is F tier. Look, these colors are in F tier. Look at Belgium, look at Germany" No, no. It's not the colors that make the bird, it's the bird that makes the colors. So we are putting you into- I'm not going to put you in S tier, but you're definitely going in A tier. You're just, you're kind of a superstar. Okay.

Note: I would move Uganda to S tier now, as I think the greatness of the bird should not be understated. I initially thought the colors brought the flag down to A tier, but nothing could bring this bird down.

186. Ukraine - A tier #

The flag of Ukraine
Ukraine. Honestly, you got great colors. Ukraine, I got to admit. Yellow and blue, big fan of yellow and blue, as whoever watches this video will understand. So you're in A tier, for sure.

187. United Arab Emirates - F tier #

The flag of United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates. Sorry, you're going these. All right, I just don't like those colors, like that.

188. United Kingdom - C tier #

The flag of United Kingdom
Uh, Britain (United Kingdom), you're fine. You're an okay flag, it's nothing that amazing. Um, yeah, I think that's a good spot for you.

189. United States of America - C tier #

The flag of United States
United States of America. Now I have opinions about this flag. I don't think you deserve F tier, but it's close. You got too many stars. I understand it's one for each state. You got like 13 stripes for the colonies maybe but like- I don't know if that's even right. It might be, can't remember. But there's so many stars. I think I have to put you- too many stars and too many stripes. Just too much.

190. Uruguay - S tier #

The flag of Uruguay
All right, Uruguay. Uruguay, you're going into S tier. Could you be the last S tier, I don't know. I don't know, it's exciting! It's exciting! You never know. The future is is isn't, is not now. So we don't know, okay.

191. Uzbekistan - S tier #

The flag of Uzbekistan
Oh, speaking of. Uzbekistan. Um, I have to say, I love the banana that you can't see and I love these stars just like this. I- I hate to do it but we're going back up, we're going back to S tier. Big fan of this flag. We very quickly found out that there was another S tier flag, okay.

192. Vanuatu - A tier #

The flag of Vanuatu
All right, Vanuatu. I love this horn thing. I always think it's an elephant and I like elephants, which always turns- it doesn't turn me on, that's not- it turns me- well I don't know how say it without- okay I think you're, I think you're A tier because of the elephant.

193. Vatican City - A tier #

The flag of Vatican City
All right, Vatican City. I love the keys. The keys to the city. Um, the keys to the kingdom, maybe, as they say. And the colors are okay, they're not extraordinary. But I think it represents like high royalty, maybe for like the pope. Um, so I think we can put you in A tier, it's kind of nice.

194. Venezuela - F tier #

The flag of Venezuela
All right, who's next? All right, we got Venezuela. Um, okay, there you go. Sorry.

195. Vietnam - C tier #

The flag of Vietnam
Uhhh, Vietnam. Hello, hello Vietnam. You're going next to China, I suppose. Something, something similar to China's at least, in my brain.

196. Yemen - F tier #

The flag of Yemen
Ooo yikes, Yemen. That's Yemen, right? Yeah, Yemen, you're going right there.

197. Zambia - B tier #

The flag of Zambia
Zambia, you got a nice bird. You got a nice bird, it's orange. So that's nice. Um, I think you go to B tier with that orange bird.

198. Zimbabwe - C tier #

The flag of Zimbabwe
Um, I don't recognize- wait is this Zimbabwe? It's not all of Zimbabwe. I see like a little face here and it looks like a block of cheese. Um, but I think it's part of a bird. I think you deserve high C tier. Your bird isn't like Uganda's bird. It's not as good, it's not centered around it.

Note: After seeing the full bird (well, I think it's a bird), I would move Zimbabwe's flag to B tier. Very elegant.

Realizing Belarus is on the list twice: #

All right and then who's this? Oh, I think I added this one twice. Yeah, I think this is Belarus. I added it again, um, but you can't tell. So I think we're just going to finish there.

Final Overview: #

All right, so if you want an overview we got- this is F tier, that's good. F tier there.

All right, we're going up to C tier, these are C tier. Yeah. Oh wow, there are a lot in C tier. Quite a bit in C tier. Oh my goodness, a lot of red, white, and blue in C tier. Some yellow or so not yellow, uh white, red, and green as well.

Now we get into the better flags. Now, now this is where it starts to cook a little bit. These are pretty good flags. B tier, B tier has some nice ones. Yeah. Yeah, Bangladesh, I almost put you in A, but you look like an olive.

Now, A tier. These are the stars, well some of them actually have stars. But they're just like stars among us. They're, they're very good, very good flags. Nice flower.

And then, S tier. Let's read out our S tier superstars. S stands for superstar, after all. We got Palau, Kazakhstan, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Brazil, Turkmenistan, Dominica, Eritrea, Guatemala, a surprise! Kiribati, Uruguay, and Uzbekistan. We got 13 in S tier, that's pretty great. Pretty great.

Conclusion: #

All right, so I'm going to save this as a picture and I'll share it. But I hope you enjoyed this video. And I hope you make a tier list of your own, then you can compare it to mine or you can just- you could just judge my, um, decisions as I made them. That's also good. Um, but we'll save this and that'll be it. All right, I'll see you next time. Goodbye!
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