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Play 16 daily games with me! (Friday, June 21, 2024)


Series: Daily Dles
Duration: 1:01:53

Games played in this video:

1. Word Peaks Guess the word in 6 tries. After each guess, it will show whether each letter occurs earlier or later in the alphabet compared to the corresponding letter in the secret word.
2. GeoGrid Fill in the grid with countries that match each cell's corresponding row and column categories.
3. Linxicon Connect two random words by creating a chain of new words that bridge the gap in their meanings.
4. NYT Connections Group words that share a common thread.
5. Angle Guess the angle in 4 guesses or less.
6. Daily Dozen Trivia Answer 9 trivia questions from various categories.
7. Disorderly Order the items correctly based on the given criteria.
8. Order Up Arrange the themed items in the correct order within 5 guesses.
9. Thrice Answer today's 5 trivia questions, each from a different category.
10. NYT Mini Crossword A very small crossword puzzle by the New York Times.
11. Chronoline One by one, place each historical event in the correct spot on the timeline without making 5 mistakes.
12. travle Connect the starting country to the ending country by naming countries in between them.
13. Karat Turn the rings of the ingot until each side forms a word - in 24 turns or less.
14. Cine2Nerdle Rearrange the tiles into groups that represent movies/themes. Includes both Original and Reversal.
15. DayBrix Daily tetris-style falling blocks game.
16. Mathler Find the hidden calculation that equals the given number.