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Play 11 daily games with me! (Saturday, June 15, 2024)


Series: Daily Dles
Duration: 39:33

Games played in this video:

1. GeoGrid Fill in the grid with countries that match each cell's corresponding row and column categories.
2. Adoptle Guess the name of a pet that is up for adoption, given a picture of them.
3. Globle Capitals Guess the mystery world capital, given how close it is to each guessed world capital.
4. Linxicon Connect two random words by creating a chain of new words that bridge the gap in their meanings.
5. Angle Guess the angle in 4 guesses or less.
6. BrainBashers 30 second math Try to solve the arithmetic questions in 30 seconds, but it is okay if you go over.
7. NYT Connections Group words that share a common thread.
8. Daily Dozen Trivia Answer 9 trivia questions from various categories.
9. Disorderly Order the items correctly based on the given criteria.
10. Thrice Answer today's 5 trivia questions, each from a different category.
11. The Wiki Game Daily Race from one Wikipedia page to the target page using as few links as possible.