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Less time, more dles (Daily Dles)

Play 9 daily games with me! (Tuesday, June 11, 2024)


Series: Daily Dles
Duration: 23:35

Games played in this video:

1. GeoGrid Fill in the grid with countries that match each cell's corresponding row and column categories.
2. NYT Connections Group words that share a common thread.
3. Disorderly Order the items correctly based on the given criteria.
4. Quintessential Solve each of the 5 horizontal words in as few swaps as possible.
5. Numble Reach the target number only using operations and each given number exactly once.
6. Gamedle Classic Guess the video game by its cover.
7. One Word Search Repeatedly search for the only word in a grid of letters.
8. Chrono Put the events in chronological order in 3 tries or less.
9. CraftWord Get from the starting word to the ending word in as few words as possible. At each step you can either add a letter, remove a letter, change a letter, or rearrange letters.